Sunday, October 21, 2012

Blog Post #8

world connected by computers
This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2

In Richard E. Miller's presentation, he discusses how our methods of writing has changed. It has changed how we write, where we write, how we research, and where we publish. He first talks about how we write. We use to write with pencils and paper, but now we use computers and programs. Next, he talked about where we write. We use to write in libraries because that was where all the books were. Now we can write practically anywhere because we have laptops. He also spoke on how research has changed. Where we use to use books, we can now find any information we need within seconds using the web. Last, he spoke on where we publish. In the past we published everything by print. Most of this information was trashed at some point or another. When we needed that information again, we couldn't find it. Now information is published both in print and on the web. If the material on print is thrown away, we can find in on the web. It is easy to access. Miller stresses that this is a "increment change" and not a "fundamental change".

In part 2 of the presentation, Miller talks about how fast information changes. It can be difficult to keep up with how fast it changed and all the information available. He also shares that he believes that academic information should be shared with the world freely. That these ideas should not belong to individuals. When people started using iTunes to share academic lectures, many people were surprised by how successful and popular it was. When using the web there are no limits. The only limits are the ones we place on ourselves. He also admits that there are problems with the use of the web.  Two problems that he mentions specifically are access and educational system availability. He stated that they were currently working on composing a digital material. He finished with saying that there are still some things that he can't imagine.

I like what Mr. Miller had to say. How we communicate through writing has definitely changed. I believe that it has changed in a good way. I like that I can write at home, using my computer to find information easily and within seconds. I also like the idea that information can be published in print and on the web. I like to have a physical copy, but if I can't find it, I can also locate it on the web. I believe that it is important to share information with the world freely. I have used other's information and ideas to complete several of my assignments. I couldn't have used that information, if they had not shared that information or I had to pay to use it. I would also agree with Mr. Miller that there are no limits when it comes to working with the web. Unfortunately, that is also a BIG problem. People can access and write anything they want. Sometimes it can be very difficult to determine whether the information is valid or not. Even more difficult to keep students from accessing material that can be very harmful. The web is like everything else. When it is used correctly, it has many benefits.

Blog Post #12 by Carly Pugh

In Carly's post, she talks about an assignment that she thinks Dr. Strange should assign to his EDM310 class. In this assignment, Carly wants the students to create a YouTube playlist that contains 5 of the 10 topics that she provided. The assignment must also contain at least 10 videos. The playlist should reflect our teaching philosophies and what we have learned in our EDM310 class. She also included her playlist as an example and a visual tool. Carly assignment is an example of how modern technology can assist in education. There are so many resources available on the web. It shows that technology can capture the attention of our current technological generation.

I really like Carly's assignment. It makes you really think about what exactly is my teaching philosophy. It also gets you to use technology to find information to incorporate in your playlist. This assignment is similar to what Miller believes. They both use technology to share information with others. It is a collaboration of images and videos. It shows how technology is being used to in the classroom to teach the students. We are presenting information in a new and exciting way to the students. The students are important in the assignment because it will be about them and it will be created by them.

boy wearing a thinking cap

The Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies

The Chipper Series is a video of a girl who doesn't like to put forth any effort. She doesn't like the EDM310 class. She thinks that her personal life comes before her assignments and  Dr. Strange should teach her instead of having to teach herself. She continues to carry these twisted ideas into other areas of her life that always result in failure. At the end, she finally realizes that there are no shortcuts in life and the best way to succeed is to put your best effort forward.

In the EDM 310 for Dummies video, the students are advertising a book called EDM310 for Dummies. This book has all the important information to complete EDM310 without becoming stressed. The students were able to get the assignments completed and enjoy learning in the class.

I think that the two videos were trying to teach us that we will get out of our class and life what we put into it. The habits that we create now will also be habits that carry over into our personal lives. By now we should all know what to expect in our EDM310 class. If we will only start our work early, we should have plenty of time to get our assignments completed. I only wish there really was a book called EDM310 for Dummies. I would like to do a podcast in my classroom with my students.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn

In the video Learn to Change, Change to Learn, the speakers talk about how the world has changed but the classroom has stayed the same. The video states how students are using technology everywhere but in the schools. One speaker said "technology is not a choice". A new environment has been created. In this new environment, technology is crucial if you want to be successful in college and life.  The teacher and classroom is no longer the main source of learning.  Students are learning more from technology and their outside environment. Unfortunately, today's education focuses on standardized test. These tests have no significant barrings on today's jobs. Today's jobs don't require decision making that standardized test promote. To be successful in today's job market, students need to be learning key ingredients such as: finding information from the web, determining validity of information from the web, problem solving, and collaboration. In order for technology to be taught in the classroom, teachers also need to be trained. They need to know how to use and teach technology in the classroom.

I agree with everything that was said in this video. Students today are learning more through technology outside of the classroom. Unfortunately this is very sad. I also believe that technology is no longer a choice. And I also agree that if teachers are expected to teach technology, then they should be trained. Most importantly, I agree that the focus is on standardized testing. We need to teach these students the skills that are necessary for them to be successful in life. Each school should be required to have a project based class.

Discovery Education Web 2.0 for 2011

In this assignment, I was suppose to go on a Scavenger Hunt at WEB 2.0 Tools.  I was to complete 3 of the 5 tasks listed.

#1. is a the tool that I found that is similar to Twitter/Facebook. This tool allows me to communicate with my students, parents, and other teachers. It also allows me to use mini-lessons in my classroom. I can create quizzes and a calendar with this tool. It also has a grade book. All of these functions will be useful in my classroom.

#3  I also made a comic strip using

my comic strip of edm 310

#4 Slide Share This tool can be used to create smart board presentations in the classroom. I plan to teach K-6 classes. I know the smart board is used for their reading program. I can create fun and interesting presentations that my students will love.
power point presentation


  1. Thorough, thoughtful, well done! Thanks!

  2. Hi, Stacy
    First, let me start off by saying that this is an excellent post and that I really enjoyed hear your views on the topics. In your post about “This is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2”, I agree with you that academic information should be shared with the world because iTunes U helps students learn the same lectures from different professors around the world. This benefits the students by giving them the opportunity to learn in different ways to better their learning because not all students learn the same. I agree with your statement that writing has changed in a good way. Everyone does not have time to spend in a library obtaining information from books; however, the use of the Internet has changed the way we write and now it can be done almost anywhere. In your post on Carly Pugh’s Blog Post #12, I agree with all your points. I also believe that this great assignment because as teachers we will be using this technology everyday in our classrooms. In your post about The Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies, I agree with you on your comments. In Learn to Change, Change to Learn, all of your points were good but the one that I admired the most was your comment about standardized testing. I was the student in high school that hated to take test but I could tell you anything that you needed to know on the topic. I think my problem was test anxiety. In your Discovery Education Web 2.0 for 2011 post, I really loved your comic strip that you made. Overall, this was an interesting post; however, I did come across one grammatical error.

    You said, “It shows how technology is being used to in the classroom to teach the students”. I think you could have worded the sentence a little better by stating, it shows how technology is used in the classroom to teach students. Keep up the good work.

    Thanks Giorgio Lymon
