Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Comments for Teacher # 3

Learning with Robots


Steve Wheeler
My teacher to comment on this time is Steve Wheeler. In his post he starts out by referring to his previous post, Learning by Making. In this post he discussed the theory of constructionism. This theory promotes student learning by students placing themselves in and with different situations. This allows the students to learn in their own unique way. He also mentions Seymour Papert who created the Beebot. The Beebot is a floor robot that students can program to follow simple instructions. This tool is effective because students love robots and it's use of technology. He states that it encourages them to experiment, learn from their mistakes, and develop higher cognitive process.  

In my response to his post I explained who I was and what I was doing. I expressed that I thought the video was amazing and how I would have loved to had a Beebot when I was in school. I also commented on how I thought technology was a great and fun way to teach students. I stated that I was learning about technology in my Edm 310 class. I said I couldn't imagine all the technology that is available to use in the classrooms. The tools are limitless. I shared how this was my first time to see the Beebot and how much my little girl would love to have one. I asked him if they were available and how much they cost. I warned him that I would continue to follow him so I could learn more about technology. I can use all the help that I can get. 

This is how he responded and the link to purchase a Beebot. I thought the price was really reasonable. 
Hi Stacy, and thanks for commenting. Bee bots can be purchased from Amazon for about £50


Digital Learnscapes

Nov. 6, 2012
In this post Steve is talking about the Pelecon (Plymouth Enhanced Learning Conference) that is held each year in April at Plymouth University. He expressed how successful this past year's conference was and that they were working on the one for 2013. The Pelecon conference is used to energize delegates and challenge perspectives on education, learning and development, and the role of technology. He also stated that the Pelecon provides the best atmosphere of informal debate over major issues concerning technology. This conference attracts teachers and learning professionals from all over the world. 

In my response I talked about the success of the last Pelecon and how exciting the next one would be. I stated that I would love to be there to witness all of the teachers from all over the world discussing the future of education and how technology is being used. I know that there would be some great information that I could apply to my future classroom. I thanked him for sharing the information and wished that one day I could be a part of this amazing opportunity.

This was his response to me.
It was indeed Stacy - and we are really looking forward to hosting Pelecon 8 next April. We have some very exciting things planned for the event next year, and some world class speakers too! Would love to see you and the rest of your group at a future Pelecon, and you can also visit the original Plymouth Rock, where the Mayflower and the Pilgrim Fathers set sail from in 1620 - so one day .... who knows?

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